OAR – The Blood You Crave LP


1. The Blood You Crave
2. Doomed and Damned
3. Perfect Agony
4. Souls Lost in the Frost
5. What Once Used to Bloom
6. Wrongful Death

$ 24.00

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SKU: BLTN-0003 Category:

The Blood You Crave shows the bands evolution from its early blackgaze approach to full frequency post black metal, unleashing the songs on The Blood You Crave at their true intensity.

The musical direction on The Blood You Crave is atmospheric misery.

The themes explore oppression, sacrifice, self loathing, separation anxiety and corruption of the self. The Blood You Crave draws on these influences which cuts across post-black metal, doom and hardcore.

Weight 1.00 lbs



Transperant Vinyl with Orange Splatter

File Under

Black Metal

Record Label